Soft Logic provides IT consulting and software solutions to a wide range of customers. The company has a professional methodology consisting of meticulous identification of business requirements, extensive planning and expert implementation.
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We are committed to producing software of the highest quality. By closely communicating with customers and adopting specialized programming techniques Soft Logic delivers stable, reliable and extensible software solutions. Our expertise covers web enabled applications for the implemen- tation of intranet, internet or web services projects. Additionally we deliver interactive Windows applications, including solutions with .Net and the Microsoft Office suite.
We understand the complexities of software development and appreciate that proper communication and careful planning are essential before the first line of code is written. Our approach delivers durable software which is customized to the users’ needs and provides a sound foundation for any application enhancements required in the years to come.
The company’s software development centre is located in Zurich, Switzerland. Soft Logic offers software solutions by assignment to customers around the world. For projects requiring on site services, Soft Logic is ready to serve customers in the Zurich region and across Switzerland.

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